Some of our projects ...
... we present here. Both the websites and the database solutions "behind the scenes" were developed by us.
The website and the functions that create added value for our customers are developed by us exactly as required.
Payment method
You can rent your custom solution cheaply as "Software as a Service" (SaaS). With a special agreement, you can also buy your system.
Our event search engine
The search engine can of course also be adapted for other sectors. The data can currently be transferred to the content management systems Wordpress and Joomla; we can make further adjustments on request and by separate agreement.
Item management with Claris FileMaker
With a shop system modified by ratiobase®, interested parties can place articles in a list and request a offer from FENTEXmedical GmbH with a mouseclick.
Our solution can be used for catalogues, price lists, spare parts lists and much more. There is only one leading data source. Therefore, data is not entered multiple times, errors and expensive correction runs are excluded. Changes can be made quickly and easily; the effort is reduced by 40% compared to manual processing.
CRM and ERP solution for company bike leasing
For Benefits and more GmbH we programmed the CRM and ERP with FileMaker. This is used to manage customers, dealers, insurers and lessors and their contracts and leasing bikes. The online leasing calculator delivers the recorded data directly into the ERP, optionally this can also be done via scanner using QR codes. The system creates and archives all (contract) documents at the click of a mouse.
Seminars at the Esslingen Technical Academy
Claus Pantle has been a lecturer at the Technical Academy Esslingen for many years, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and PHP programming. You can find TAE's extensive range of courses at